How does smoking affect diabetes? This is a very interesting subject and one where any diabetic who smokes should learn all about.

Basically, diabetes has an effect on the blood system by constricting the small blood vessels inside the circulation. This affects all the diabetes advice web organs of the body but seems to have an effect on a number of organs more aggressively specially the organs that depend upon the littlest blood vessels.

Smoking brings about the constriction of blood vessels which can intensify the already constricting of the blood vessels caused by the diabetes. So a diabetic should not smoke and if they are already smokers, they should quit as soon as possible.

The kidneys suffer from diabetes because of the damage that can be done into the small blood vessels which are necessary to filter the blood. This can harm the kidneys and even damage the kidneys so badly that they do not function.

Diabetics have problems with their feet. This is caused by nerve damage in the feet as well as the narrowing of blood vessels in the legs. These two complications can cause a small cut to become extremely infected and result in gangrene of the foot. Gangrene can lead to amputation of the foot or leg. Along with poor circulation, if there is a cut or any damage, there is insufficient blood flowing into the foot to battle the problem.

In the eyes of diabetics, an eye condition referred to as diabetic retinopathy can develop which can bring about bad vision and even blindness. This is due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the back of the eyes which get fragile and can result in blood and fluid leaking in the retina from these destabilized blood vessels. The retina is the part of the eye that sends graphic images into the brain.

Diabetes oral care is yet another extremely important area of control for people who have this long-term disease. Due to the difficulties with blood sugar, diabetics have got a higher than normal level of dental care problems. This happens because the diabetes if not at bay cuts down on the number of white blood cells within the blood to combat infections within the mouth.

There are numerous areas that can cause problems. One of these is the challenge of dry mouth caused by diminished saliva. This can cause tooth decay, mouth ulcers and infections.

Another significant problem is gum disease commonly known as gingivitis and periodontitis. This is due to less white blood cells inside the blood to combat infections as well as the thickening of blood vessels that slows the flow of blood which conveys nutrients to the oral cavity and waste off the oral cavity. Gum disease is brought on by infections of the gums so these may trigger gum disease to be much more severe and harder to regulate in those who deal with diabetes.

Addititionally there is the challenge of healing after any dental surgery or dental procedures because of the problem of the flow of blood to this area. .

How does smoking affect diabetes? By further constricting small blood vessels which are already narrowing by the diabetes itself.